Voter Information

Voter Summary - Download an Excel file containing up-to-date information about the number of voters registered in Southington by Party designation and by voting district. This information is updated monthly. For voter information from previous months, click here.

Streets/Polling Place - Download a PDF file that will tell you what streets are included in each voting district. Some streets are included in several districts, so be sure to look at the street numbers. Voters should be aware that polling places have changed due to state reapportionment following the 2020 Census. The present street list now reflects the changes that have been made in Southington's polling places.

Where Do I Vote? - Links you to the Secretary of the State's website to determine the location of your polling place.

Voting District Map - A map of Southington's Voting Districts.

Legislators Representing Southington

Federal representatives in Washington for all Southington residents:


Richard Blumenthal
90 State House Square, 10th Fl
Hartford, CT 06103
Toll Free: 1-800-334-5341
Washington DC: 1-202-224-2823
Fax: 860-258-6958

Christopher Murphy
1 Constitution Plaza #7, 21st Floor
Hartford, CT 06103
Toll Free: 1-800-225-5605
Fax: 860-549-8478


John B. Larson
221 Main Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-278-8888
Fax: 860-278-2111